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Warner, 1559[^]41204 Batman The Telltale Series on PS3

The Telltale Series is an episodic game series based on DCandrsquo;s iconic character. Rendered to l
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Warner, 1559[^]41204 Batman The Telltale Series on PS3
The Telltale Series is an episodic game series based on DCandrsquo;s iconic character. Rendered to look like a living breathing comic book Telltaleandrsquo;s vision of Batman will feature an award-winning cast of talent including Troy Baker in the role of Bruce Wayne Travis Willingham as Harvey Dent Erin Yvette as Vicki Vale Enn Reitel as Alfred Pennyworth Murphy Guyer as Lieutenant James Gordon Richard McGonagle as Carmine Falcone and Laura Bailey as Selina Kyle. Additional cast and characters wil (Barcode EAN=5051892202572)

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